Don't Miss the Premiere of Dinner and a Movie!


I have some exciting news for you! Well, I hope you'll find it exciting, because I sure do. A while back, I told you all about my idea for a new monthly blog feature called Dinner and a Movie. As it turns out, the very talented and creative Marc from No Recipes was percolating his own idea for an almost identical event. Rather than duplicate the concept, we got together and decided to collaborate instead. So, starting in February, Marc and I will be the co-hosts of Dinner and a Movie.

Join us each month on a delicious journey though some of our favorite films. Each month we will select a new movie to watch, which will hopefully inspire you to cook or bake something fabulous. Watch it, run with an idea, then share it with all of us. The trick is that not every movie chosen will be a "foodie film", so you'll really have to get creative. But, we know you can do it!

We are encouraging everyone who participates in this event to post about their dish on same day, which will be the last Saturday of each month. To make things even more interesting (and fun), Marc and I will also host a Dinner and a Movie Night as a live event on Twitter each month on the Saturday before. We'll all watch the movie together and tweet along, sharing our observations, snarky comments and hopefully, some great food ideas. Attendance is optional, but guaranteed to be a blast! Don't forget to bring your own popcorn. I'm not sharing!

As co-hosts, Marc and I will share the duties of selecting the movies and posting the round-ups by alternating months. For February, Marc has chosen one of his favorite films (and mine), Chocolat.


I can't imagine anyone interested in food not having seen this movie already, but in case you haven't, Chocolat is about a rather bohemian woman and her young daughter in 1960, who open a chocolate shop in a small, conservative French village during Lent. At first, they are met with skepticism and resistance, but soon their exuberance and incredible chocolates win their acceptance into the community - almost! You'll have to watch the movie to learn the rest!

The post date for this month's installment of Dinner and a Movie, featuring Chocolat, will be on Saturday, February 28. Our Twitter movie night will be on Saturday February 21, at 9PM EST.

Everyone is welcome to participate, even if you don’t have a blog. Be creative, take some inspired photos but most importantly have fun!


Marc has laid out all of the details for Dinner and a Movie here and here. Please check out those pages for more specifics. Here are the basic guidelines for participating:

  1. We encourage everyone to post on the last Saturday of the month, (in this case February 28). However, if circumstances prevent you from posting on that day, feel free to post a day or two earlier.
  2. In your post, write a paragraph explaining how the movie inspired you to make your dish.
  3. Include the event banner below in your post and a link back to both co-hosts.

4. Send your submission to the host for the month, in this case to Marc, at by February 28, 11:59pm EST and include the following info:

  • Your name
  • Blog name (if applicable)
  • Blog URL (if applicable)
  • Name of dish
  • Brief description of your dish and how the movie inspired you to make it.
  • Attach a photo that’s no larger than 500 x 500.

We can’t wait to see what you all come up with!


Maria said…
How fun and I love this movie!! Can't wait to watch it again!
Anonymous said…
hahaha there must be something in the air cos i had the same idea (not as an event but a feature) for my blog... I will love to take part and to tweet along with everyone :)
Lo said…
What fun!! And just in time for the Oscars... even better :)
Elle said…
There IS something in the air, because I've been kicking around this same idea!

Love this!
FJKramer said…
What a great idea. I hope to participate as often as I can.

I've read the book but never got around seeing the movie
Patsyk said…
Great idea! What a perfect movie to begin this event... I absolutely love it! I'll see what I can come up with so I can join in.
Susan said…
OMG, this is one of my favorite movies! I fell in love all over again with Johhny Depp after watching it. I even fell in love with Juliette Binoche! Drat, I'm going to be out of town that weekend, too!

Love your blog, and your name! :)
Anonymous said…
What a great idea! I hope I can remember to participate - lol!
Snooky doodle said…
what an interesting idea! I ve seen chocolat and it s one of my favorites
Snooky doodle said…
what an interesting idea! I ve seen chocolat and it s one of my favorites
Anonymous said…
Chocolat! Loooove that movie!
Peter M said…
Susan, I got the memo over at Marc's earlier. Yeah, I think I'll join in on the fun.
Anonymous said…
OH MYYYYYY!!! My very favourite movie of all time!!! Just love it...and this sounds like such a fun event. Would definitely like to participate.....must mark it off on my calendar and do a bit of is the ankle Susan???? Hugs xxx
Farmer Jen said…
Great movie. I was just talking about this movie the other over a nice cup of hot chocolate.
Chocolat is a great movie to base a blog on! I can remember seeing that movie with Kevin years ago and we left the theater and headed straight to our favorite dessert shop. That hot chocolate was to die for. She just dumped warm, melted chocolate into a cup!

I've always wondered how one could make food out of my favorite movies. I'd have to get seriously creative.
NKP said…
What a great idea!
I have no idea what twitter is though, I see references around.. must be my old age, I guess!
I don't have a cel phone, is that what people use?
I love the dinner and a movie idea though - so great!
Anonymous said…
Ooooh! Dinner and a movie! Fun!!
Susan @ SGCC said…
I'm so excited to see so many interested in participating! Can't wait to see all the inspired dishes you come up with!

Natashya- Go to and sign yourself up. It only takes a few minutes and you don't need anything more than your computer to play along.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the very nice introduction Susan:-) I'm looking forward to seeing all of your entries!
Anonymous said…
yay.. Chocolat. Great idea! I will try to participate if time allows. :-)
Lisa said…
What a great idea! And Chocolat is the perfect movie to start off on in February. I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.
Cakelaw said…
What a cool idea Susan! I love it.
Anonymous said…
Fantastic idea - and just as I was thinking I needed to make luscious rich brownies I read your post. There will be rich brownies made very soon!
Anonymous said…
Fantastic idea - and just as I was thinking I needed to make luscious rich brownies I read your post. There will be rich brownies made very soon!
CookiePie said…
How fun - what a great idea!
NĂºria said…
Count on me Susan!!!! I LOVE the idea :D :D :D

And yes, I've seen Chocolat, a delicious movie. I guess I'll have to definitively step on the sweet side ;D
So creative! I love this idea!
Anonymous said…
Awesome idea - I love the level of participation! Great movie for February, though I haven't actually watched it yet. :)
Belinda said…
What a fun idea, Susan! And I've not seen this first movie choice, Chocolat, so I'm looking forward to it! Thank you for starting this monthly blog event with a movie sure to inspire LOTS of wonderful chocolatey creations...can't wait! :-) And you know, the silly Targets in south GA that I've been to in search of those elusive Tim Tams have not stocked them. Darn it!
Lori Lynn said…
Fabulous idea, I can't wait to participate!
Unknown said…
I just saw this movie this summer and really enjoyed it. It's kind of different but good. Wonder what ingredient people might use for this one?! ;-)
Anonymous said…
OH, this sounds really fun! And I love that movie - we will definitely try to be there with a big bag of popcorn & a bottle of vino!!!!!
Gabby said…
New to your fantastic blog, and just in time to get my thinking cap on for something to make! How fun!
Anonymous said…
I LOVE that movie! You sure picked a winner for the first event! Not sure if I have the time to play along, but ya never know!
Jen Yu said…
This idea is too cute! I love it! And Johnny Depp?! Nice :) Oh hon, I don't know if I'll have my act together or not - but I just want you to know that this is a *great* idea. You are so much fun. xxoo
RecipeGirl said…
Looks like a really fun event!
Sonds like a fun idea Susan!!!!
Donna said…
Susan, you have won an award. Please check my blog for details. Congrats!
Donna said…
It is the
Manggy said…
Can you believe I haven't seen this movie?! What kind of dessertier am I?! Ha ha ha. I hope I can come up with something even shanghaied from my baking stuff!
Anonymous said…
I loved that movie. What a good excuse to watch it again and play around with chocolate ideas.
Anonymous said…
I always envy folks that can keep up with monthly blogging events.
This one seems right up my alley because it doesn't limit you to just one recipe or ingredient. I promise I will try, that's the best I can do considering the insanity that has been masquerading as my life lately!
Great idea!
Nicole said…
Love this movie. Juliette Binoche is adorable and who doesn't like Depp? Combine that with all the chocolate... Heaven. What a fun idea you have. I don't know if I'll make it this month. Darn.
13moons said…
A perfect food movie and a perfect February movie. This is a fun, I guess I have to join and figure out Twitter!?


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