Tuesdays with Dorie: Apple Cheddar Scones

I'm going to tell you right up front that this post is going to short and sweet. Today is Tuesday, and we all know what THAT means. It's time for another edition of Tuesdays with Dorie. Since this week's baking adventure comes right on the heels of the latest Daring Bakers challenge, (which was a doozy of a process), I just don't have the time or the energy to be verbose!
The first thing I have to say is thank heaven for Karina of The Floured Apron for choosing a recipe that could be whipped together in about ten minutes flat! Her choice of Apple-Cheddar Scones was a godsend after two days of rolling and rolling and rolling laminated pastry dough with a dislocated elbow! I started making these scones at 7:30 this morning and by 8:30, I had fresh, hot and delicious scones to enjoy with my morning coffee.

As soon as I read the name of the recipe, I knew that these would be a hit at my house. Mr. SGCC will eat anything that has cheese in it. He is a big, fat cheesehound! In fact, he will not touch a burger or sandwich of any kind unless it has cheese on it. What can I do? I married him for better or for worse!
The instructions for this recipe were very straighforward and easy to follow. My dough came together really easily. I must warn you, however, this is one hell of a sticky dough! It stuck to everything it touched, including my fingers, like Krazy Glue. If you try these, make sure you have plenty of extra flour for dusting. Instead of scooping them out or free-forming them, I baked the scones in a non-stick scone pan, because I happened to have one.
I stuck with the original recipe as written, mostly because I really didn't have time to experiment. I'm glad I did, though, because these scones are really wonderful just as they are. They turned out very moist with a dense, but light crumb. I wasn't sure how I'd like the apple/cheese combination, but it really worked. The sweet and savory components were well balanced. The scones were quite delicious and with the melted cheddar laced all through them, they looked pretty too.
We enjoyed our scones with some luscious creme fraiche and a drizzle of orange blossom honey. They were the perfect complements. If you're ever looking for a quick easy and tasty addition to your brunch table, this is it. I will definitely make them again.
Now, get on over to the Tuesdays with Dorie blogroll and check out what everyone else has done with this recipe. I'm sure that you'll be inspired!
Shari@Whisk: a food blog