Accident Prawn Strikes Again!


Several months ago, I shared with you about a little rough patch I was having where every time I turned around, I seemed to fall down, bang into large pieces of furniture, burn myself or trip over something. One day, I even managed to get my hand slammed in my car door at the supermarket. It was after that last one, that my clever, sweet and funny friend, Manggy from No Special Effects, bestowed upon me the nickname "Accident Prawn".

Accident Prawn? Bwahahahahahahahaha!!!

Mr. SGCC and I laughed our heads off over that one. But, the funniest part was that the name stuck! Ever since, whenever I've dropped, spilled, tripped or slipped, I've been pelted with the taunting strains of "Watch out! There goes Accident Prawn!" or "Uh oh! Accident Prawn strikes again!" Even Mini SGCC has gotten into the act!

Well folks, though it pains me to say it, (and I mean really pains me), Accident Prawn has indeed struck again.

It all started on Friday morning when I was getting dressed to go out. I wanted to wear a pair of new jeans that I had recently gotten. A pair of new jeans in a size smaller than all my other ones. The jeans were a little long, but I didn't want to waste time hemming them. Instead, I decided to just wear higher heels. (Vanity is the quicksand of reason.) I dug out my favorite pair of Michael Kors sandals and slipped them on. With a four-inch heel, they kept the hem of my jeans off of the floor. My "skinny" jeans and I were good to go.

kors shoes

My jeans and I teetered all around town. We went to my office for a while to catch up on some work. We went to the post office, the dry cleaners, the supermarket and Mini SGCC's school. We had a perfectly enjoyable and uneventful day. Then, we went home.

We were carrying a bag of groceries in through the garage. That's when the inevitable happened. There was a small puddle of condensation from the air conditioner on the garage floor. I didn't see it until it was too late.


The next thing I knew, my jeans and I were airborne! When we landed, milk, flour, broken eggs and the contents of my beloved Marc Jacobs bag were strewn everywhere. As I lay on that gross and grimy concrete floor, (Oh, shut up! It was the garage, people! Who washes their garage floor, for chrissakes?), I became acutely aware of throbbing pain in an elbow, a wrist, a knee, my head and especially a foot. My driving foot, to be exact. Oh yeah, there was blood too. This was not good news!

When my eyes were able to focus again, I realized that I was wedged between the bike rack and some huge sheets of plywood that we keep around in the event of a hurricane. I tried to get some leverage so that I could hoist myself up, but I couldn't. My injured foot wouldn't support me. No one else was home, so I was pretty much stuck there until someone came to rescue me.


After about ten or fifteen minutes, (which seemed like hours), Mr. SGCC came tooling up the street and into the driveway. He was my knight in shining armor, except his armor was a gray business suit and his horse was a red Prius! After he helped me up and dusted me off, he guided me inside and over to the couch, where I spent the rest of the evening and most of yesterday with a bag of frozen peas resting on my foot.

Needless to say, for physical and emotional reasons, cooking a complicated meal for dinner was out of the question. However, there was no way I was able to hobble my sorry butt out to a restaurant either. We actually ended up thawing out some of that wonderful Beef Barley Soup that I made last week and had it with some leftover roasted chicken. But, if I had been able to cook, this awesome and very simple chicken dish that I made a few weeks ago would have been a perfect choice. It practically cooks itself!


It is called Chicken Orzo, and I found the recipe in a cookbook called Cooking Greek Style, put out by the St. Barbara Philoptochos Society of St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church here in Sarasota.

The original recipe calls for the dish to be cooked on the stove. I think it turns out better when baked in the oven. Either way, it makes for a delicious, hearty and satisfying meal, especially on a nippy Fall day.

Coincidentally, I found the Accident Prawn illustration on a web site called Uneetee. They sponsor a T-shirt design contest each year and it was this year's winner. The artwork is by an artist named Loy. Check out the site if you're interested. I just might have to get one for myself!


Chicken Orzo

(Printable Recipe)


4 pounds chicken pieces (I used thighs this time)

1 stick of butter

1 large sweet onion, chopped

1 pint mushrooms, sliced (You can use any kind you like. I used Baby Bellas.)

3 cups chicken broth mixed with 2 cups water

2 cups orzo

1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, grated

Salt and pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Melt half of the butter in a large Dutch oven or other ovenproof pot over medium-high heat. Brown chicken pieces in batches on both sides. Add more butter, a little at a time, if needed. Remove and set aside.

Saute onions and mushrooms in remaining butter until onions are soft and translucent. Add chicken back to the pot and stir.

Mix in broth/water mixture, cover and bake in the oven until chicken is just about cooked through, about 45 minutes.

Add the orzo, salt and pepper and mix well. Add a little more water if needed. The orzo should be kind of soupy, but not drowning in liquid. Continue to bake until liquid is absorbed and orzo is tender. This should take about 20-30 minutes.

Remove to a serving platter and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. You could also serve this with some Greek yogurt on the side.


Here are some other chicken recipes you might enjoy from the SGCC archives:

Oven Baked Corn Flake Crumb Chicken

Apricot Glazed Chicken with Dried Plums and Sage

Kickin' Chicken


Deeba PAB said…
I love Manggy & his humour. You poor 'Accidental Prawn'...what a name to stick! Hope you've recovered, & the foot & butts feeling better Susan! I'd love to see mini sweet is that!
Anonymous said…
Accident Prawn! LMAO! And so sorry about your fall! Oouch!
squawmama said…
Oh Susan I sure hope your doing better today.. what an ordeal... I am short so all my jeans are to long.. I ususally di the same as you or let them drag a little... but I will think about it from now on... Hope that you are doing ok... Great recipe.. I'll be trying that one...Have a good day and recover soon...

Oh No, Susan. That's just terrible! Have you been to the doctor?

BTW Love, love, love the shoes!!!!

Great recipe and what a save for you on a non cooking night!
Manggy said…
Oh, you poor dear! Why?!? Why must you live up to your nickname?! (at the heavens) WHYYYY?!? I hope foot, wrist, knee, head, and elbow are okay soon. Gee, it sure seems like I type that a lot! (Just a little convalescence humor there for ya.)
(Fashion tip! First thing to do after buying pants is to hem them!! Well, I'm sure we won't forget that now.) Personally? I blame Michael Kors.
The Chicken with Orzo looks so delicious-- you can't go wrong with crisp, brown chicken.
Kisses and hugs, esp. to the driving foot! (er... swimmeret, heh)
Manggy said…
(Oh by the way, Mrs. Lawyer, what are my chances on the suing-Loy front? Lol.)
Anonymous said…
Oh no! I hope you are feelign a litte better now? Your chicken dish looks wonderful and comforting too. I adore orzo and I love the idea of using it in this way. Great autumn food! I would definitely go for the Greek yoghurt on the side :)
Lucy said…
I hope you are feeling better today - it sounds like a nasty fallover.
I've given you an award!
Anonymous said…
I am so sorry about the fall...been there, done that, have been stuck in the garage for an hour...but accident prawn made me laugh out loud.

And the Chicken Orzo...oh yum, perfectly soothing.
Ginny said…
aw! thats awful! I'm so sorry! but what great heels! :)
Anonymous said…
Oh man - talk about suffering for fashion!! Hope your foot's getting better. Mr. SGCC to the rescue again! Love the sandals :-)
Jen Yu said…
Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry! I am glad Mr. SGCC arrived shortly. I'm wondering if you had a cell phone nearby to call for help (that's what Jeremy's grandma did when she fell and broke her hip - we were soooo glad she had enough presence of mind to dial 911 as her mind is going). You poor dear. How are you now? I hope no permanent damage or anything that will keep you away from us for too long. Your meal, btw, looks fantastic. I am a huuuuge fan of chicken thighs :) Get better soon, sweetie. I love that nickname (that Manggy - always good for a laugh and a hug). xxoo
RecipeGirl said…
You poor dear... but at least you looked good. Congrats on those skinny jeans! That's tough to do in our industry!!
Mary Coleman said…
I'm so sorry about your fall, but in the infamous words of Billy Crystal as Fernando Lamas.."it is better to look good than to feel good." So remember how cute you looked in your new jeans and shoes ...especially when you are a bit achy!
Susan @ SGCC said…
Hi Everyone! Thanks for all of the shows of concern about my injuries. I'm still a little sore. Those 40-something bones don't heal as fast as they once did! My foot is still a problem. I can't really walk on it yet or put shoes on or drive. Very frustrating! If it isn't much better by tomorrow, I'm going to get it x-rayed to make sure it isn't broken.

Passionate- He keeps me Lol too! I've got lots of pics of Mini SGCC on the blog, from babyhood to the present.

Canarygirl- Lol! Isn't it hilarious? ;)

Squawmama- Thanks! As soon as I can comfortably drive again I've got about 4 pairs of jeans to take to the tailor!

Judy- Aren't they pretty? I really love them too! I bought them in a moment of weakness.

Manggy- Thanks, Sweetie! I think I'm just too preoccupied with other things lately and I'm getting careless. I'm taking the rest of my jeans to the tailor first chance I get!

Not sure about the lawsuit. You came up with the nickname in April. The T-shirt came out in July. You never know.... ;)

Helen- So glad you like the chicken! The orzo really makes it. I love using it in place of rice a lot too.

Lucy- Thanks! I'll be around to check it out soon.

Noble Pig- Oh no! Isn't that the worst! Accident prawn keeps me chuckling too. ;)

Ginny- Thank you! Yeah, the shoes are pretty great. Sigh....hope I can wear them again....

PaniniKathy- So true, so true! I found several articles about the things women do just so that they can wear super high heels. It's appalling!

Jen- You are too sweet! Actually, I did have my cell phone. Unfortunately it had flown about 10 feel away from me when I fell, so I couldn't get to it. The three of us even have an emergency signal. If someone texts "SOS", we call 911!

I'm hoping it is just a bad bruise like the last time. I'm going on a cruise in 2 weeks and I need 2 good feet!

RecipeGirl- Lol! You are so right. I was so thrilled about those jeans! Especially, with all the baking that goes on around here! ;)

Mary- Hehehe! I LOVED that Billy Crystal bit! Definitely some good advice! ;)
Anonymous said…
Oh no! I'm glad you're okay! I have much respect for you though for going grocery shopping in those shoes. I would be dying. I only wear flats unless the occasion absolutely calls for it.

That chicken dish looks AMAZING! I'm printing it out as soon as I hit submit on this comment. Thank you!
Susan said…
On Susan (Accident Prawn!) Im so sorry you had such a bad fall. Im happy that you arent broken in peices. Rest and keep that foot up!
The Chicken Orzo looks great- Im always looking for new chicken recipes:)
Feel better fast!
First of all, I hope your healing is going good, sorry about your spill, hope that MJ bag didn't get damaged! Secondly, I want to address the skinny jean factor...How on earth did you accomplish that with all this good food here?????
Accident Prawn.....good one!

I have various burns on my wrists from my oven...I look like I've tried to commit several botched suicides.

The other day I had the oven door down and I turned to put something in...meanwhile scraping my right thigh along the corner of the open door thus creating a huge 5 inch road rash (or oven rash) along with a wonderful purple myrtle.
Oh Dear! I hope you are feeling better soon. Hooray for Mr. SGCC coming to the rescue relatively soon. You keep this up - and we'll have to all chip in and get you one of those life alert necklaces. You can tell everyone it's a new upcoming designer.
Patsyk said…
Hope you are feeling better soon, so you can get out and enjoy those skinny jeans again! I am so short, I have to have every pair of pants hemmed before even considering wearing them!
Lori Lynn said…
Oh my goodness, glad you can keep your sense of humor through all this. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Accident Prawn is really funny. Try not to adopt it though..
Peter M said…
Dare I say you might want to consider wearing Crocs? lol

I can imagine the taste of the orzo, oozing in chicken and butter flavours...ummm.
Unknown said…
Man...what a stinky day, well, end of the day. Hope your foot is doing better. That chicken dish DOES look wonderful!
Anonymous said…
Wahhhh :S be carefulll! At least that delicious chicken makes up for the fall. Good comfort food :)
Nina Timm said…
Oh dearie me, I hope you are up and about again... The chicken looks so scrumptious!
Lien said…
SO sorry to hear this! I hope you heal very quickly. It's horrible to be so helpless and restrained, not being able to move properly or drive a car! Best wishes!
Anonymous said…
OH NO!!!! So sorry to hear about your injuries....hope they are not serious and that you are back up on those heels really soon...LOL at Accident Prawn. That is toooo good!!! And that Chicken Orzo?? WHOOHOO!!!! Best I be careful now as I tootle off
Anonymous said…
Only you can make pain so hysterical :)
So this was all staged so you could get out of cooking, right? ;-)

Hope you feel better soon, and you are doing a mighty fine job of making yummy meals while mostly incapacitated.
Snooky doodle said…
ohh poor you . Hope you ll recover soon adn hopefully no more accidents . I m prawn to accidents too :) every time i hit falll etc (its quite often) my foyfriend says"there we go again" I m immune to it now :) Take care next time and please ditch those sandals away. I would have fallen with the first step I took with those shoes :)
Mary said…
This probably won't make you feel much better, but thank you so much for posting about being "accident prawn"! (Hillarious nickname!) I have a tendency to hurt myself frequently also. In fact yesterday I was cleaning the kitchen and called my mom. She was apparently on the phone with someone else, saw my call and ignored it. I later left the house and got a frantic call on my voicemail asking if I'd fallen off a chair or down the basement stairs and had to be taken to the hospital. I really had only gone to church.
So thank you for letting me know I'm not the only one who injures herself on a regular basis.

The chicken looks great too!
Nic said…
I'm not laughing - honest! (Well, only at the name!)
Hope you are soon on the mend.
Lo said…
Oh, gosh! I feel badly about laughing; but, this is a story too-well told.

Thank goodness for freezer meals! But, that chicken orzo looks like a winner too!
Núria said…
Ai, ai, poor thing!!!! Oh Susan that hurts! Your story was so well described that I could see you... hope you get well soon darling!
The Prawn's drawing and the chicken with orzo are great :D
Debbie said…
So sorry to read about your fall. That is never good. But hey your chicken looks delicious. Rest the foot!!!!
BTW....what the hell are skinny jeans??? Please elaborate hehehehe.
Anonymous said…
Awwwww - hope you are feeling better :)
Laurie said…
So sorry about your fall!!! Ouch! Those shoes are to die for though, and fitting into skinny jeans - priceless.

Your chicken looks to tasty and the rugelach - oh my! So flaky and yummy looking. Your photos are superb. They actually make my mouth water.

Feel better soon...
CookiePie said…
I can't believe you made dinner after all that! Hope you're feeling better -- I'm sure you looked super-hot in your outfit :)
Farmer Jen said…
Sorry about your fall. Love the Accident Prawn nickname though. Lovely chicken with orzo recipe. Real comfort food. Heal well and fast!
Anonymous said…
So sorry to hear about your accident, but damn those shoes are PRETTY! Hope you're feeling better soon!
Anonymous said…
Oh My Dear, I hope you are feeling a touch more together today, after the week end. I must say your leftovers look yummy.
JaySpice said…
I made this last night and it is absolutely delicious. I brought the leftovers for lunch and I saw the envy in my coworkers eyes.
Audrey said…
Some of my favorite recipes come from community cookbooks like this one...let's see, I have chicken thighs in the freezer, orzo, just need some mushrooms...recipe is already printing...Thanks for sharing this one.
Anonymous said…
Funny, looks like me! Last time I wanted to cook a galette, I cut my finger (and the nail). I even had to go to the ER (well, after fainting in the hall of my building of course...).
Don't you hate it when people tell you afterwards : "why don't you pay attention??"
Nicole said…
Oh my! What a story! Too too funny... but not funny. I fear that kind of thing all the time as my husband is so rarely home... what would the kids do if I were stuck or incapacitated??
Gabi said…
Oh my Gooeydness! While I love the "accident prawn" pun I am SO sorry that you are having this run of bad luck. I am sending you an un-shellfish wish to get better! ;)
Love ya- get some arnica on that foot okay?
Oh man, if I weren't aqonizing over your fall I'd be laughing my ass off. OK, so maybe I can laugh my ass off and againize at the same time. Hope you heal soon!
That's too bad about your fall. Heal soon.

But I really, really love that "accident prawn". LOL

And the chicken dish looks darn yummy too.
Sarah said…
Thank goodness Mr. SGCC came home so quickly (even if it seemed like hours)! I hope that you are healing quickly and staying off that foot.

"Vanity is the quicksand of reason." Truer words were never spoken! I'll remember that saying :)

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