Sad News.....


It is with great sadness that I tell you that Uncle Sal passed away on Tuesday night. While he valiantly held on as long as he could, his injuries were just too numerous and catastrophic. He was a beautiful and wonderful man, and we will miss him terribly.

I want to thank you all for your continued prayers and good wishes during this ordeal. You kindness has touched my family and me more than you can know.

When I started this blog over a year ago, I never imagined that I would come to know so many thoughtful, caring and giving people from all around the world. I am truly blessed to have found you.

I'd like to believe that Uncle Sal is up in paradise right now, hanging out with my Dad again. They're probably roaming around Heaven together, searching for the perfect place to plant a new garden and arguing over whose tomatoes are sweeter! I think that some things will never change.


Unknown said…
I'm so sorry Susan. ((HUGS))
Cristine said…
Lots of love and prayers coming your way.
Jodie said…
So sorry to hear. I know your dad and Uncle Sal are together. I like your graphic.
Anonymous said…
My deepest condolences to you and your family Susan.
Jen Yu said…
oh sweetie, i am so very sorry. it sounds as if uncle sal lived a good life though, and the right way - full of spunk and on his own terms. sending you a big hug. xxoo
BMK said…
So sorry for your loss. I hope you can take comfort in wonderful memories of your Uncle.
pxilated said…
Sorry to hear about Uncle Sal. My best to your family.
kimberly salem said…
So sorry to hear the news. Condolences to you and your family.
Anonymous said…
Susan, I am so sorry! Our thoughts are with you and your family!
This is very sad news Susan. My heart goes out to you and your family.
Anonymous said…
I am so sorry that you lost your Uncle Sal. You and your family are in my continued thoughts and prayers. Hugs to you....
Shelby said…
My sympathies to you and your family Susan.
Patsyk said…
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My deepest sympathies are with you and your family right now.
Anonymous said…
I am so sorry for your loss.
So very sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Helene said…
Oh darling, it sure has not been an easy time between P's passing and now Sal. I am so so sorry you and your family has to go through that. Sending you the biggest and tightest virtual hug I can today and for the times to come.
Take care.
squawmama said…
Susan... I am so sorry to hear about Uncle Sal... He sounded like a great man... I am sure he & your dad are up there now keeping a smiling eye on you.... You & your family are in our thoughts...

Anonymous said…
Susan, I'm so sorry. My condolences to you and your family during this time. My thoughts are with you.
I was so sorry to read this. My condolences to you and your family.
Farmer Jen said…
Susan your news is sad. Your uncle will always be with you. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family.
The Food Hunter said…
I'm so sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family.
Debbie said…
So sorry to hear this Susan. My prayers are with you and your family...
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Anonymous said…
Well, I dropped in to say hi, then read your sad news. I'm so sorry to hear about your Uncle. I'll come back another day.

Jen said…
I'm so sorry to hear this, Susan. I send my condolences and prayers to you and your family.
*Big Hugs* I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you had many wonderful memories of Uncle Sal. Cherish them and be grateful you have them. My thoughts are with you and your family.
CookiePie said…
I am so very sorry for your loss. I hope you find comfort in your many wonderful memories of Uncle Sal. Sending you love and hugs.
Sassy said…
I have been checking in to see if he was going to be okay and sadly saw your beautiful and touching post...I am so very sorry for the loss of your Uncle Sal...I immediately took a liking to him reading the things you wrote about him and it sounds if the last thing he did was something he enjoyed doing..bless his heart! And all of your very sad ♥'s at this time...I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
I'm so sorry to hear about this - but remember, there's never a sorrow that Heaven can't heal!
Donna said…
Remember there are no tears in heaven, just here on Earth. You are in my thoughts.
Mary said…
Big Hugs to you. I'm praying for you and your family and the healing that has to happen.
Erin said…
Thinking of you and yours. And you are absolutely right--Uncle Sal is absolutely in Paradise with your dad, doing all the things that made his life so happy and looking out for the ones he loves who are still here on Earth.
MaryBeth said…
Very sorry to hear about your loss, my prayers are with you and your family.
thecoffeesnob said…
I'm so sorry for your loss. My condolesences go out to you and your family.
Manggy said…
I certainly believe that too Susan :) You guys and Uncle Sal are in my thoughts and prayers.
Peter M said…
Allow me to once again offer my deepest sympathies to you and your family. Remember how Uncle Sal filled all your lives with fond memories.
Anonymous said…
my sympathies
Nic said…
I'm so sorry to hear this Susan. I'll keep you all in my thoughts.
Jescel said…
My condolences Susan to you and your family. It is when we are weak that we are made strong. Hope you can take comfort in knowing that your uncle Sal(and your Dad) are in a better place where there's no longer pain and suffering.
Katrina said…
So sorry about your Uncle. You're right though, he's in a wonderful place with loved ones! Take care.
Anita said…
Susan, my condolences to you and your family. I will be keeping you in my thoughts this season. Take care.
grace said…
he's absolutely in a better place. i'm so sorry for your loss, and i hope and pray that you and your family are comforted!
J.L. Danger said…
keep on keepin on Susan.
So sorry for your loss, but I am rejoicing with you that your Uncle Sal is no longer in pain and is in a much better place. Hugs.
Sarah said…
Susan, I am so sorry to hear this and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family right now. Your Uncle Sal sounds like a wonderful man and I know that he will be missed by everyone who knew him. Without a doubt, he and your dad are together again in a perfect place.
Megan said…
You certainly have had a very difficult year - I'm sorry for your loss.
Gretchen Noelle said…
Sorry to hear that Susan. Prayers for you and your family.
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry! my prayers are with you!
Anonymous said…
I am so sorry to hear the news. I'm thinking of you all.
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry x x
Oh Susan, So sorry too hear about the loss of your Uncle Sal, big hug to you and your family.
Belinda said…
Oh, Susan, I'm sorry to hear the sad news about your Uncle Sal. It must have been such a happy reunion between Uncle Sal and your Dad. I hope it is of some comfort to know in your heart that they are both catching up and having more fun than we can possibly imagine right now. God bless you and your family, Susan.
Heather said…
You and your family will be in my thoughts, Susan. Hang in there.
LyB said…
I'm so sorry, Susan. I hope you can take comfort in the fact that your Uncle is not suffering anymore and that he is indeed in a better place. I'll be thinking about you guys, take good care of yourself.
Katrina said…
Hope you're doing well and will have a good Christmas despite your recent loss. Take care.

I'm having a giveaway on my blog.
Peabody said…
Sorry about your loss.
Susan, I've just found your blog through Proud Italian Cook. I'm so sorry for your loss. Your Uncle Sal sounds like he was a really great guy. I'm sure he and your Dad are doing just as you described. And, they are both watching over you and your family.

Hugs, Cindy
Jaime said…
i am so sorry for your loss
Lori Lynn said…
Dear Susan - Very sorry to hear about the loss of Uncle Sal. He sounded like quite a man. I'm sure he will be missed terribly.
Lori Lynn
Ingrid_3Bs said…
I'm very sorry to hear of Uncle Sal's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in this time of need!

So sorry to read this, Susan. Thinking of you and your family.

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