Mini-Byte: Testing and Tweaking
I'm finally beginning to feel a bit more comfortable playing around with the look of my blog. I've still got a LOT to learn, but I'm working on it. I've been doing some tweaking and testing out a few new widgets in the sidebar. My goal is to include some features that my readers will find helpful and interesting.
Please take a few minutes to let me know what you think. Be honest! If you hate something or think it is obnoxious, tell me. My feelings won't be hurt. Like I said, I am still learning here. On the flip side, if you like something, please let me know that too. Also, I would gladly welcome any suggestions or constructive criticism, constructive being the operative word.
Thanks! I look forward to hearing from you.
Now, if I could only figure out how to put that lovely picture I've been saving into my header........
... steps.
I like the changes you've made to the right column. Very clean, good layout.
The way you add your custom header photo to the top is:
1. From blogger dashboard, select manage layout.
2. Where you see the header box, click edit.
3. A box will pop up and then it's pretty self-evident. You upload the desired photo and voila!
Hope that helps you a bit. Happy tinkering!