Roasted Peach Ice Cream

When you live in a part of the world where there really is no distinct change of seasons, you come to rely on certain signs to tell you when one is slipping into the next. For me, one of the harbingers of Summer is when I see little roadside stands overflowing with freshly picked Georgia peaches popping up along our suburban roads.

Whenever I do come across one, it's hard for me to drive on by. I always have to stop and check it out. I'm usually rewarded with ripe, plump, sweet and juicy little orbs of peachy goodness. The problem is that I end up buying way more than my small family can eat, and they start going bad before we can use them up. When that happens, I dig into my bag of tricks and pull out a "peachy keen" recipe for them. Sometimes, it's a cobbler or a crisp. Sometimes, a pie or a tart. And sometimes, a muffin or a cake. This last time, however, it was a rich and creamy roasted peach ice cream.
If you have never eaten a roasted peach, you are missing out. When sprinkled with a little sugar and roasted, peaches get all sticky, gooey and caramelized. Their sweetness intensifies threefold. They're delicious served with some spiced whipped cream or creme fraiche, or used as a dessert topping. When churned in to a luscious homemade ice cream, they reach new heights of gloriousness!

To roast the peaches, preheat your oven to 400 degrees F. Pit and halve the peaches, and toss them in some white or brown sugar. Then, place them on a baking sheet, cut side down. Roast them for about thirty to forty minutes, until they are really soft and the skins are brown. After they've cooled, remove the skins and chop them roughly. Reserve in a container until you're ready to use them. Make sure you scrape out every bit of the syrupy juice from the baking sheet too.
This ice cream is very easy to prepare. The recipe for the ice cream base does not include eggs, so there's no tempering to deal with. It is virtually foolproof. Plus, you can also make it using other stone fruits like nectarines or apricots as well. I also like to add a few tablespoons of some kind of liqueur to my ice creams. The reason I do this is so that the ice cream doesn't get rock hard in the freezer. For this recipe, I added a little white peach liqueur. This is strictly optional.

The next time you have some peaches hanging around threatening to spoil, try making some Roasted Peach Ice Cream. I promise you won't be disappointed!
Mike over at Mike's Table is hosting a new event called You Scream, I Scream, We All Scream for Frozen Desserts! He's calling for food bloggers to create some delicious, summery frozen desserts, so I'm sending this one his way.

Roasted Peach Ice Cream
Adapted from Alton Brown
2 cups half-and-half
1 cup whipping cream
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup peach preserves
1 vanilla bean, split and scraped
Pinch kosher salt
4-6 medium roasted peaches
Combine all ingredients, except the peaches, in a saucepan and place over medium heat. Attach a candy thermometer to inside of pan. Stirring occasionally, bring the mixture to 170 degrees F. Remove from heat and strain into a lidded container. If you do not have a thermometer, bring the mixture just barely to a simmer. As soon as you see a bubble on the surface, remove it from the heat.

Cool the mixture, then refrigerate it overnight.

Freeze mixture in an ice cream machine according to unit's instructions. Once the volume has increased by 1/2 and reached a soft serve consistency, add the peaches and continue turning to incorporate. Spoon the mixture back into a lidded container and harden in the freezer at least 1 hour before serving.
Makes 1 quart
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Manggy said…
Yum! That would really hit the spot right about now... For fathers' day I just slaved over a hot stove/oven the whole morning and came up with a bunch of dishes (you shall soon see!) that are not at all summery. Thank goodness we had a tub of ice cream to finish it off!
I've never had peach ice cream before; peaches are rare (but not impossible to find...), and often I can't really tell that I'm already buying nectarines!
Helene said…
Lovely! I just bought a basket full of South Carolina peaches and the house is smelling like a nice warm cobbler. Love the title of the recipe as well as that cute polka dot bowl!!
Wow, what a great ice cream! The photos are just mouth-watering! Thanks for the link too!
Anonymous said…
How lucky you are to have lots of Georgia peaches nearby! I don't know if I've even had a Georgia peach. I've certainly had some really good peaches, but the Georgia ones? Not sure...but I wanna bite into one! I'm so curious now.
I love your ice cream and especially your title for it too!
Anonymous said…
Burned...Burned? That has me just imaging a lovely, carmely, gooey, dessert. How cool is that!
Anonymous said…
Oh my, I'm hypnotised..I want this... now!
I must admit to never having eaten a roasted peach...barbequed yes. You have given me ideas:D
Ivy said…
Wow, your ice-cream with caramelized peaches is making me drool. I have not yet bought an ice-cream machine and I think after seeing all these wonderful recipes (see Mike's as well) I will invest in one. Thanks for passing by my blog.
Susan @ SGCC said…
Manggy- You're such a good son! We've been out of town for a few days and I just told my husband that he was taking us out for Father's Day!

Nectarines will work as well as peaches for this. If you can find either one - try it.

Tartelette- Thanks! You can't beat the sweet fragrance of fresh peaches! Mini-SGCC has a peach perfume that smells divine!

Sweet & Saucy- Glad you liked it. My pleasure about the link. :)

WORC- Georgia peaches are generally smaller than their CA cousins. Honestly, I prefer yours, but I can't always get nice, ripe ones.

Noble Pig- Ack! That was supposed to say "Roasted". I forgot to change it when I changed my mind.

Zen Chef- Welcome! It can be yours! Lol!

Val- They're very similar to barbecued. I'm just "grill challenged". ;)

Ivy- Thanks! Glad you like it! I have you in my Reader, but I lurk a lot. I do really love your recipes, though. :)
PheMom said…
I haven't had peach ice cream in sooo long, but I remember it being amazing. I'll bet that this version with the roasted peaches is even more incredible!
Peter M said…
Roasted peaches in ice cream? It's party in the mouth time!!!!
Heather said…
Oh my word. This. Peaches are my very favorite of all fruits. We get good ones here, but I bet Georgia peaches are famous for a reason.

I've been eating a lot of peach sorbet with a little dollop of vanilla ice cream, but this takes it.
CookiePie said…
Roasted. Peach. Ice cream??? I've said it before and I'll say it again - you are a mad culinary genius!! Now pass the ice cream, please :)
Anonymous said…
That looks and sounds so delicious! I imagine the stickiness from the caramelization makes for a great chewy texture once frozen in the ice cream.
This was a splendid idea....I love making homemade ice cream. A sprinkling of toasted pecans and drizzle of carmel on mine please!
hungryandfrozen said…
That looks absolutely fabulous. Love the idea of roasting the peaches first to intensify the flavour. Come to think of it, I have a wee bottle of peach schnapps going nowhere in the pantry... :)
giz said…
I can almost resist peaches, roast knees start getting weak - put them in such a cute bowl - I'm done.
Anonymous said…
Wow! I can imagine how incredible this ice cream must be... especially with the freshest of fresh peaches!
Susan @ SGCC said…
PheMom- Roasting the fruit definitely brings out a lot of sweetness and more intense peach flavor.

Peter- Lol! Party on!

Heather- I love peaches too, and the Georgia peaches are really sweet and juicy. I love all kinds of ice cream, but in the summertime, I always go for the fruity ones.

CookiePie- Get out! You're swelling my head! ;)

Kathy- Thanks! You have a good imagination!

Obsessive- Oooh! That sounds great!

Laura- Thank you! Peach schnapps would be perfect!

Kristen- Thanks! It's actually a good way to use less than great peaches too. Roasting them makes them a lot sweeter.
Giz- Uh oh! Should I call 911? ;)
OhioMom said…
Oh this looks so good, I could eat a bowl right now, who says ice cream is not a breakfast food :)
Anonymous said…
*moan* I want some! All these amazing ice cream posts are killing me!
Jules Someone said…
This looks so fabulous! I pulled out my ice cream maker after years of not using it. I am definitely going to be making this soon!
Anonymous said…
oh! I JUST got an ice cream machine yesterday and my boys LOVE peach, so this is absolutely perfect! thanks!!!
Brilynn said…
This is fantastic!

After making balsamic roasted strawberry ice cream I've been wanting to roast other fruit for ice cream and this looks absolutely delicious, as soon as the Ontario peaches are out I'm giving this a try!
Nina Timm said…
O roasting pan full of those beautiful peaches would never reach ice-cream stage in my house. I will have them just like that with a big dollop of mascarpone cheese or Greek yogurt.
cakewardrobe said…
Every time I'm up in farmland I look forward to stopping at the side of the road and picking up fresh produce! I think it's time to take my ice cream maker out of the cabinet again!
I know... I always stop at the roadside stands... I haven't seen any selling peaches yet but I can't wait. What a wonderful dessert!
Katie B. said…
This makes me so sad - my ice cream maker broke this weekend - and your ice cream look so amazing!!! You can believe that this will be made once I get a replacement!!!
Oh, that's gorgeous ice cream! I can't wait for peach season to finally hit around here.
test it comm said…
Roasted peach ice cream sounds so good!
Anonymous said…
ohmygawd this looks divine! all those creamy peaches -- i'm green with envy right now. i love this recipe!!
Big Boys Oven said…
this icecream must taste awesome, something I would like to spoon up someinto my mouth instantly, . . .why not?!
Prudy said…
Looks so beautiful and delicious. Reminds me of the winner of the Southern Living cook off last year, a roasted banana and peanut butter ice cream.
Susan, I have the same problem living here in Sao Paulo - one day is 9ºC (48ºF), like today, and the other can be 30ºC (86ºF). Just crazy.
I love this ice cream flavor - gotta try roasted peaches asap!
Adam said…
I love the roasted peach idea for ice cream. What a nice refreshing way to get through a hot humid day. Cool site you have here.
Jen said…
Oh, Susan, I SO love roasted peaches, and I'll have to make this. I may use the frozen yogurt base that I got from Su Good Sweets, though, as we're trying not to eat things with cream, etc. This looks SO wonderful!
Anonymous said…
Ohh, delicious! I wish I had an ice cream maker, or at least a freezer I could actually use.
Anonymous said…
Roasted peach ice cream is genius...I might copy you because this looks unbearably good! And thanks for letting us all know about the new blog event!
Jescel said…
Hmnnnn.... this creation is really true to your monicker, SGCC! I almost lick my comp' screen!
Mmm...I just bought an ice cream maker. I'll have to try this recipe.
Brilliant idea, the taste must be out of this world!!
Anonymous said…

I'm coming over.
amycaseycooks said…
I am getting out my ice cream maker immediately!! Never thought of roasting the fruits b4 making ice cream. What a great idea!!
Nic said…
Tee hee! I just licked the screen clean and I have to tell you it was delicious!
Thistlemoon said…
This, Susan is pure beauty! I love it. It looks amazing and I have never roasted peaches before, clearly I have been insane up to this point!
Anonymous said…
Oh holy crap, you have no idea how much I love peach ice cream. I used to eat it until I pooped fuzz when I was a kid in the NE - just the idea of shoveling some made with fresh Georgia peaches down my throat almost brings tears to my eyes, I'm crapping you negative.

I may be rolling to NY via car in a couple of weeks - tell me where a good stand is and I'll meet you there - ice cream on me (literally, I'm kind of a slob...)

Deborah said…
I bought a whole box of peaches last year, and after about a bazillion jars of peach jam, I was still left with A LOT of them. I'm saving this recipe for if that happens again!!
Sophie said…
This post is making me wish I wasn't lactose intolerant! :P
Cakelaw said…
My tongue is hanging out just looking at this - I could eat the whole batch if it was in my house!
I'd already told you over email, but you totally read my mind! This looks fantastic and is a great entry for the frozen dessert event (I gave up on using an acronym since TSISWASFFD is not very catchy). Also, rofl@Brad's comment...
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous. Really.
Oh wow. I'll be right over...I hope you have pretzels ;)
You had me with the title. And now that picture. Oh, WoW!, that picture is killing me. And it's only 5:18 AM!
Anonymous said…
I have to say thank you as I made an adapted version of your adaption and all I can say is wow!
Anonymous said…
This looks drooliciously good...gotto try it before peaches do the disappearing act!
eatme_delicious said…
Ooo this ice cream looks good too! I'd love adding white chocolate to it.
Anonymous said…
Hi - I just found your site and tried this recipe right away. The ice cream was just delicious!!! The first day. By day 2 it had hardened into peach-studded cement and what peaches I could dig out were like ice cubes. Even with 2 tbsp of peach schnapps in there. I'm a novice to fruited ice creams, so do you have any advice other than eating the entire batch right out of my ice cream maker? (I'm using a Kitchen Aid w/ice cream attachment if that makes any difference.)
Susan @ SGCC said…
Trish- Hi and welcome to SGCC! I'm so glad you enjoyed the ice cream. The sad truth is that homemade ice cream almost always gets rock hard after a day or two in the freezer. This is partly because it doesn't have all of the additives that store bought ice cream contains(which is a good thing). Also, commercial ice creams are made in high powered, ultra-fast commercial machines which whip a ton more air into the final product, keeping a softer consistency. That is why I usually add some kind of alcohol to it, although it doesn't always work.

The best thing to do in this situation is to take your ice cream out of the freezer about 10-20 minutes before you plan to serve it and either leave it out on the counter or put it in the fridge to soften up. Sorry, I should have noted that in the recipe.

For future reference, both sugar and fat do not freeze well. You can try using more sugar or honey in your ice cream recipes. Also, you can use a higher cream to milk ratio in your ice creams. The higher fat in heavy cream will usually give you a softer product. If you are using a recipe that contains egg yolks, you can also try adding a few extra yolks. This may also yield a softer, creamier ice cream.

I hope this helps.
Clumbsy Cookie said…
What a gorgeous ice-cream! Perfect for the peaches popping everywhere now!
Anonymous said…
Oh, my. I just found you through Recipe Muncher and where do I land? Roasted peach ice cream? Be still my heart!! Already saved. Finding peaches up here comes next.
Thank you!
Anonymous said…
This is one of the first ever ice cream recipes I tried thanks to Alton Brown. Haven't made it in a while and now's the perfect time to do it since peaches are in season!
Anonymous said…
The only way to make peach ice cream any tastier is to make it roasted peach ice cream. Mercy. Oh, and maybe serving it floating in a glass of Grand Marnier. Just maybe.

Thanks for the wondrous recipe.
teegee said…
Oh man! I just roasted some mango nectarines and needed the rough quantities for ice cream and found this! Thanks and it will be great!
Andrea Meyers said…
My neighbor brought me a bag of fresh-picked peaches yesterday, saying she figured I would know what to do with them. Do I ever! Peaches are in the oven now. :-)
Anonymous said…
WOW!!! What a great sounding recipe!!! And what a great excuse to buy some peach schnapps!! My peaches are in the oven roasting and I'm headed to the liquor store!!
Thanks for the tip about a small amout of liquer in the ice cream. And thanks for the great site. I just ran across it today...I think I'll stick around!
Anonymous said…
Thank you! I made this a couple weeks ago, and it turned out great. My husband adores it, and says it tastes like peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream on top. I used a slightly different ice-cream base containing eggs, and always throw about 1/8 tsp guar gum (from the health food store) into my ice cream to keep it soft, and that worked great. However, being that I'm a big proponent of using liquor whenever possible, I'll be sure to give that a try next time. Thanks again!!!
Andrea Meyers said…
It took a while, but we made it. I roasted the peaches and then froze them before we left for vacation, then finally made the ice cream yesterday. Michael cleaned out the freezer bowl after I finished making it and I kept hearing, "Wow" and "OMG" in the kitchen. This one is a winner!
Anonymous said…
Ooh that looks good!

I have some fresh peaches here and I think I know what to do with them now -- roast 'em!
Unknown said…
Delish! Enough said :)

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