A Thank You, a Holiday Giveaway and a Pie


Before I get to the good stuff, I want to take a moment to thank all of you who sent my family so many prayers, kind words and good wishes this week. I am truly touched by the vast generosity of spirit possessed by all of you. I cannot express how much it meant to me. The food blog community, both bloggers and readers alike, are the most wonderful and caring group of people I've ever known. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Uncle Sal is still hanging on, but things are not looking good. He has had surgery to set most of his broken bones and the doctors are keeping him in an induced coma so that he doesn't move around while they are mending. The good news is that he can move his arms and legs.

He also had one surgery for the burns on his hands because he was losing so much blood and fluid and his vital signs were getting too weak. It didn't go too well and they were supposed to do another surgery yesterday to do some skin grafts, but he was too unstable for them to proceed with that. He has apparently also developed an infection in his blood, which weakens him even further.

I don't know how this will end. I know that Uncle Sal is in good and very capable hands and that all the rest of us can do is continue to pray. I will keep you posted.


Now, on to some brighter news. My good friends from Pillsbury contacted me a few weeks ago to let me know how pleased they were with the posts I wrote in October about their new products. In fact, they very graciously sent me this lovely gift basket filled with some pie baking essentials. The package includes two 9-inch glass pie pans, a pie server, pie-top cut-outs and a CD-ROM with photos and recipes of Pillsbury pie favorites! And, the CD-ROM allows you to easily upload the photos and recipes to your blog.

Since it's been a while since there's been a good giveaway on this blog, I've decided to gift this goodie basket to one of you. To sweeten the deal a little, (and in case you need a few good pie recipes), I am also throwing in a copy of Patty Pinner's "Sweety Pies: An Uncommon Collection Of Womanish Observations, With Pie". More than just a cookbook, it is a collection of warm and cozy memoirs all wrapped up in between luscious recipes and scrumptious photos of - you guessed it - pies!


According to Pinner, "What a woman cooks is a window into her personality - what she thinks, how she behaves, how she feels about herself and the people she cooks for."

Each recipe in Sweety Pies tells the story of the woman behind it. It speaks to the importance of family, friends and community. Oh yeah, and you get some great pie too! It is a lovely book that would be a welcome addition to anyone's cookbook collection.

All you have to do to be eligible to win this great giveaway is leave a comment on this post between now and midnight EST on Monday, December 15. I know that's not a whole lot of time, but I want the lucky winner to have this gift in time to whip up some Holiday pies! I'm also adding a little twist. Most of you know that I am also a musician. So, to be eligible, in your comment you must state your favorite song of the season. It can be a Christmas carol, Hanukkah song, a song about peace.....whatever your fave is. At midnight, I'll have one of my trusty elves pick a name out of Santa's hat.


Now, in case all of this talk about pie has made you a little hungry, here is a pie from Sweety Pies for you that I whipped up. She calls it My Grandmother's Handmade Apple Pie. It is a traditional apple pie that is easy to put together and delicious to eat. I did add a cup of dried cranberries to my apple filling, because I like the bit of tartness they bring. Also, as a nod to Pillsbury, I used their Refrigerated Pie Crust. It is a real timesaver and always turns out nice and flaky. It's a great alternative when you don't want to make your own.

If you'd like to try making this pie and you don't have access to the book, you can find the recipe here.


Enjoy, and don't forget to leave your comments!


SupComTabz said…
Yummmmmmmy those pies are making me hungry!

My new favorite song is from Colbert's Christmas "Can I Interest You in Hanukkah?" it cracks me up and it gets stuck in my head.

supcomtabz-at-gmail.com :)

My thoughts and prayers are with Uncle Sal and your family (hugs).
Anonymous said…
That pie looks really festive! And how can you go wrong with apple pie, no matter the season?

My favorite song of the season is The Carol of the Bells, despite the latest Wal-Mart commercial (which was cool at first, but now after seeing it 454,604 times... maybe I shouldn't watch so much TV). I remember doing it during an early Mass as a kid with my class - we were all nervous, but I was proud because I had two bells.

Best wishes and prayers for Uncle Sal, and the rest of the family.

Heather B said…
My favorite song of the season is Ava Maria. Especially if it is the version Josh Groban did last year. I also love his version of O Holy Night.

I'll keep your uncle and your family in my thoughts!
Sounds like a great book. I love a good cookbook endorsement. there are so many bad ones out there.

I'l be thinking of your family and uncle as well.
Pam said…
my favorite song is o holy night. beautiful!
Anonymous said…
I'm a cheeseball when it comes to Christmas songs - will always love Johnny Mathis' version of "Sleigh Ride"!

Will continue to keep your Uncle Sal in my thoughts and prayers...
Anonymous said…
I'd say it's a toss-up between Wham's "Last Christmas" and Nat King Cole's version of "The Christmas Song." Both classics in their own ways!
You guys are still all in my thoughts and prayers. My favorite Christmas song is "I beleive in Father Christmas" by Greg Lake. More traditionally I like Oh Holy Night.
Looks great Susan! My favorite Christmas carols? Hmm...I don't think there's one I *don't* like...but...Silent Night, Ave Maria, and Sleigh Ride are up on top of my list :)

Keeping Uncle Sal in my thoughts....
Kristin said…
the pie looks awesome! i love the addition of the cranberries!

my favorite christmas songs, played by the Vince Guaraldi Trio, come from the soundtrack from "a charlie brown christmas". i grew up watching that every year with my dad, and everytime i hear any of those songs, especially "christmas time is here", it just takes me back~
Erin said…
Ooh! I love making (and eating!) pies! :D

My favorite song of the season is actually Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You." It makes me incredibly happy.

Traditional Christmas carols, though, are also wonderful, and I absolutely love "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" and "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear." They both are staples of the season for me!
Nikki said…
What a wonderful give away! My favorite Christmas song is Oh, Holy Night. I also really like the Carol of the Bells.

So sorry to hear all that has been going on with your family & client. You are in my prayers.
Carla said…
How generous of you! I love baking pies.

My favorite song of the season is probably Away in a Manger.
Sara said…
Fun! My fav song is O Holy Night.
Amanda said…
My favorite is Baby it's Cold Outside. I hope I win - pie is serious business in my family!!!
kimberly salem said…
your apple pie looks delicious! my favorite song is the christmas song (chestnuts roasting.... mmm:) )

wishing all the best for your uncle sal.
Blair said…
Your uncle will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Oh Holy Night is a song that, when done well, can reduce me to tears at this time of year.
Anonymous said…
Hmm. What Child Is This? and Come Oh Come Emmanuel probably top my list.
pxilated said…
Baby, It's Cold Outside is my favorite. Your pie looks scrumptious! Best to Uncle Sal.
Snooky doodle said…
Hope your uncle will be better soon. and I m really sorry to hear this sad news. I ll pray for him.
My favourite song is 'War is over' I really love Christmas carols I think the cd I ve got will soon disintegrate ha. Happy Holidays.
Snooky doodle said…
By the way . Nice pie really festive and yummy :)
Jodie said…
Fun! My favorite song is "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas." It's so tender and a little sad.
Our best to your family. Hang in there Uncle Sal!
I love pies...and O Holy Night by Josh Groban...I love to listen to music while I bake!
squawmama said…
WOOO HOOO... A great give away... How exciting... Sign me up... One of my favorites is "Wonderful Christmas Time" by Paul McCartney but in all truth I love them all... and I especially love Manheim... Thanks for hosting this giveaway... FUN! FUN! FUN!

On another note I am sorry to hear Uncle Sal is still having a tough go with it... I will keep him in my prayers every night... God Bless him...

Have a good day Susan...
Wicked said…
I think my choice is "All you need is love" by the Beatles.
It's not actually a christmas song, but I always hear it around this time of year, and I love it.

Otherwise.. I guess I'll go with a more Christmas specific one so my entry doesn't get thrown out...

John Lennon's "Happy Christmas (War is Over) "

Its also one of the few christmas songs i can stand to listen to.
My favorite is "We Need A Little Christmas." My husband hates it, but it makes me smile and dance around everytime.
Topher said…
Thanks for the opportunity. My favorite is definitely jingle bells!

zekks at yahoo dot com
Karin said…
I like "White Chritmas" by Bing Crosby.....But truthfully, I like most Christmas songs.
Unknown said…
I pray right now that your uncle Sal would have strength, that his immune system would kick into action and kill off that infection, and that daily he will improve!

My favorite song is "O Holy Night" but I also like "The Birthday of a King." I think Steve Green does it.
Cynthia said…
Will continue to pray for Uncle Sal.
Melly said…
Pick me! I love pie. My New Year's resolution is to only make pies with homemade crust.

I love any holiday song by Burl Ives, especially Rudolf.

Happy Holidays!
Johanna B said…
My favorite Christmas song is "Cantique de Noel" aka O Holy Night. I like to hear it in French but the English is beautiful too.

Your family is still in my tho'ts and prayers. Happy Holidays.
Dee said…
I love holiday music so much it is really hard to pick a favorite. Right now it's got to be either "Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy" by Bowie and Crosby or "In the Bleak Midwinter" by a local gal Erin Brody.

Best wishes to your family and to uncle Sal for a speedy recovery.
Alas, my kitchen has no pie pans. Being in college, my kitchen is not as well stocked as I would like. Winning this would be great!
Oops! Forgot to add: Holly Jolly Christmas, for sure. To be specific, the version by Burl Ives.
The Food Hunter said…
I love the Little Drummer Boy.
I'll continue to keep your family in my thoughts.
Carly said…
My favourite Channukah song from when I was a little girl is "How Many Candles?". My favourite Christmas song? A tie between "Where Are You Christmas?" by Faith Hill and "White Christmas".
I'm praying for Uncle Sal.
Triv said…
Those pies look sinfully delicious.

You and your family are in my prayers.

Thank you for the wonderful articles you write.
Susan @ SGCC said…
Wow! I see some great songs listed here! You all have good taste!

I realized after I posted that I forgot to tell you my fave Holiday songs. Here they are:

1. My all time fave is Mary, Did You Know? This is always part of my Xmas repertoire, and I can barely get through it without tearing up.

2. I also love O Holy Night, esp. in French. My Midnight Mass staple.

3. Of course, I have to include Stille Nacht (Silent Night). I love the German best. It's magical!

4. Mary's Lullaby by Andrew Carter is absolutely stunning in its simplicity.

5. My Grown-up Christmas list is another one I love.

6. And, Santa Baby, cuz I totally can relate! ;)

Keep the comments coming!
Jana said…
I love "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day".
Stephanie said…
"Here Comes Santa Claus" is my favorite!
Annie said…
Anything from Barenaked for the Holidays -- hilarious.
Anonymous said…
yummy! Now I really want some pie! :)
I've had a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day today & seeing your pie cheered me up about 15%. It's pretty and oh-so festive. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
Okay, it has been way too long since I visited you. What was I thinking?! I just learned how to successfully bake artisan bread here at home. Ackk, now I have a hankerin' for pie making!! I draw the line at making my own crust (for now anyway).

Favorite Christmas song, since I love, love, love the movie, White Christmas, "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" so nostalgic!

And I'm sorry about Uncle Sal, shooting up an arrow prayer that the Lord will help him through.

God Bless and Merry Christmas,
Still praying for Uncle Sal...tihs would be a great birthday gift for me - birthday is Dec. 16 - my favorite Holiday song - (I have a few but my most favorite -- John Lennon's Happy Christmas (War is Over).
Tiffany said…
It's hard to pick just one favorite song. I'll go with Silver Bells, only because it reminds me of Christmas when I was little.
Katie said…
My favorite song is Silver Bells or Carol of the Bells. Ever since being challenged by it in high school choir, it's my favorite.

Our thoughts are with Uncle Sal.
Little Ol' Liz said…
Perhaps you've heard "Walkin' In Mah Winter Underwear?" from Earnest Saves Christmas? Classic!

Thanks for offering up the goods. I like pie, but don't have many occasions to make them. Perhaps inspiration is what's necessary?
Anonymous said…
I've been lurking on your blog for quite a while - please know that you and your family in our prayers.

This time of year is bittersweet for me because we lost my Dad two days before Christmas, 2005. His favorite Christmas song was "Silent Night" - it has a special place in my heart, as well.

Our daughter was born almost a year after my father's death, and I would sing that song to her when she was just a few weeks old to help her sleep. She is now a few days over two, and I found myself singing it to her again just the other day. It was a sweet moment, one I will cherish for a long time.

Merry Christmas, and thank you for sharing your kitchen adventures.
Terri. said…
My favorite is Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree by Brenda Lee. I drive people crazy with it during the holidays!
Anonymous said…
My best to your Uncle, Susan!

My favorite Christmas song is currently "Last Christmas" by Wham. So 80's!
LyB said…
O Holy night is one of my favorite Christmas songs too. "Minuit Chrétiens" in French. My favorite part of Midnight Mass. I also like "I'll be Home for Christmas". A little blue, but it's a beautiful song. I'll be thinking about you and your family, Susan. Hugs! :)
Anonymous said…
My favorite Christmas songs are not the familiar ones, but those that sound christmassy to me :) I like Johnny Depps litte ditty on the guitar from Chocolat. It puts me in a light happy mood to cook for the holidays.
Thimbleanna said…
Wow, what a nice giveaway! That pie looks yummy. My favorite Christmas carol is What Child is This. No real reason, I just like the tune. ;-)
Maria said…
My favorite song of the season is Rocking Around the Christmas Tree! It always puts me in a good mood and I love singing and dancing while I bake:)Thanks for the great giveaway!
Best wishes to Uncle Sal.
Anonymous said…
Love your sprinkle pie and Poor Sal, it's so hard to see them deteriorate in that way. I pray he is comfortable.

I have two favorite songs this year, Nat King Cole's, "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth" and Amy Grant's version of "Winter Wonderland". Happy Holidays.
carrie said…
"Oh Come All Ye Faithful" is my favorite. Singing this song in a large congregation just overwhelms me with the true spirit of Christmas.
Carolyn G said…
My favorite song is Winter WOnderland. I love that song!
Rachel said…
I love "Last Christmas" by Wham. THanks for hosting this giveaway. So exciting!
Yarn Princess said…
I'm dreaming of a White Christmas... so I can bake and bake and bake!
You are so generous. What a big heart. Sending Hugs to your family.
J.L. Danger said…
I am glad that your uncle is holding in there. We have all kept him in our thoughts over here. I am so sorry you have to deal with all this!

My favorite christmas song is Carol of the Bells. I love, and every year when I hear it again I love it even more~!

Hang in there-

Cakelaw said…
My very sincere wishes Susan for your Uncle Sal to recover.

This pie looks super - love the coloured sugars on top. Congrats on your recognition by Pillsbury.

My favourite song of the season is "All I Want for Christmas is You" by Mariah Carey - I love it in all its cheesiness, and I can relate to it :)
Anonymous said…
My favorite song (currently!) is Mozart's Exsultate, Jubilate. I'm rather fond of the Alleluja.

My thoughts are with your uncle. All the best to you and your family.
AMAC1978 said…
I LOVE PIE!! Cake is good especially if someone else makes it...but I LOVE PIE!!
This is a really hard favorite to pick...my Mama always told me that every song I heard on the radio was my FAVORITE song. She never liked listening to the radio while driving, but I would beg to turn it on and of course my favorite song would be on.
This year the Christmas songs have been making me cry...doesn't matter which one...but to name one favorite-- O Holy Night.
Cristine said…
I'm a kid at heart and love listening to the Chipmunks Christmas songs!

You and your family are in my thoughts.
Manggy said…
Still have your Uncle Sal in my prayers...

... My favorite seasonal song is River by Joni Mitchell. Obviously when I feel sadness, I want to feel it to the bone :) But my favorite Christmas song in the strictest sense of the word is Silent Night-- hauntingly beautiful.
ocm said…
I love the green and red sugars on the pie! I've never thought to do that.

I absolutely LOVE Christmas tunes...I enjoy Pacabell by the Transiberian Orchestra and Anything by John Denver...my fave---probably Love Has Come by Amy Grant...

: )
Anonymous said…
"White Christmas" is always nice,or pretty much any Christmas song sung by Sinatra.
Anonymous said…
You are in my continued thoughts and prayers! The pie looks delicious!!!!!
I will continue to send good wishes for Uncle Sal.

Your pie is gorgeous. That first photo created an instant pavlovian response when I first came to this post.
flfarmgirl said…
Love the festive look of the pie, looks yummy. Prayers sent for your uncle. Love your blog.
Patti said…
One of my favorites is Silent Night by the Temptations. I just love it :)
Donna said…
Please include me. Now I have a hard choice to make. My favorite Christmas song would be White Christmas because I can watch that movie once a week and never get tired of it. But I also love Jingle Bell Rock.
You are still in my prayers!
ssomerville said…
Very festive looking pie! Great give-a-way! My favourite christmas song is "the chistmas shoes (I think that's what it's called), anyways I love it.
Dumaurier said…
I'll be home for Christmas, which is such a sad song but its a classic
Anonymous said…
Ever since I was a child I have always loved the song We Three Kings. The pie looks wonderful. Thanks for the recipes.
Anonymous said…
Your pie looks wonderful. I'd love to win the prize. A song I've been enjoying listening to recently is "It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas".
nape said…
I love pie, and I love Judy Garland singing, "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas."

Fun giveaway. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
Your pie looks great... what an awesome giveaway!

Baby It's Cold Outside is definitely one of my favorite holiday songs.
cpullum said…
Frosty The Snowman!! I love that song! Great recipe!!!
I hope all goes well with your uncle. :-/

As for the pie, it looks delicious and that's great news about Pillsbury and a very generous giveaway. As for my holiday song, Adam Sandler's Hanukkah Song is always good for a chuckle.
Karen said…
What a great giveaway! My favorite Christmas song is O Holy Night.

Merry Christmas :)
Natalie Greene said…
Good luck with family stuff. This is such a hard time of year to go through that.

My favorite Christmas song is "What Child Is This?"

Love the blog.
Peter M said…
Susan, the pie looks outstanding of course but I'd like to add my thoughts & prayers for your Uncle Sal...God's speed.
CookiePie said…
Thinking of you and all good thoughts for your Uncle Sal!!!

That pie is lovely!
Farmer Jen said…
My favorite Christmas song since childhood is "Silent Night".

Your uncle has been in my prayers and will continue to be.
Sarah said…
I love baking pies and yours looks delicious. My favorite holiday song is Bing Crosby's version of White Christmas. I grew up watching the movie, and I just love it.
Anonymous said…
Your pie looks yummy! My favorite tune of the season would be Elvis Presley's "Blue Christmas". Thank you for a terrific giveaway.
Anonymous said…
I love "The Gift" by Aselin Debison. It's a touching story & beautifully sung by her. Thanks for the giveaway and your family's in our prayers.
Anonymous said…
My favorite Christmas carol is silent night. I love the posts on your blog.Thank you! I pray for a quick and speedy recovery for your uncle.
Unknown said…
aw man that pie looked messy fantastic good, lol. great giveaway, hope i win!!
MKay said…
The old Bing Crosby song 'Malikalikimaka' has always been a favorite!
Anonymous said…
The Little Drummer Boy duet with Bing Crosby and David Bowie. Gives me chills every time I hear it.
Debbie said…
Thanks for the update on your uncle. My favorite Christmas song is the old Nat King Cole song The Christmas Song. It's the best. Your pie looks wonderful and so festive.
Katrina said…
Prayers to you and your family.
My favorite Christmas song is All Is Well by Clay Aiken. His voice kills me and the song is amazing!
Yummy apple pie!I only have one pie plate and would LOVE a few more, so go ahead and pick me! ;)
grace said…
again, i'm so sorry all of this is hitting you right around the holiday season--hang in there!
if i had to pick just one song, i have to go with the song "linus & lucy" from charlie brown. it just makes me happy. :)
agopan said…
Beautiful pie, not that I need inspiration to get into the kitchen, btw one of my favorite holiday songs is "Oh Holy Night" always sends shivers down my spine. And of course "chestnuts roasting on an open fire", I'm not sure the real names. Cheers!
Megan said…
First, here's to getting through the holidays *clink, clink*. I understand your loss more than you realize.

Now, favorite Christmas music? "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" by Andy Williams. Love that one!
Amber said…
I can not get to my favorite blogs as much as I want because I work so much and in a grocery store so this is such an exhaustingly busy time of year for us. Now I get back from Mexico and you have had such burdens laid upon you. Be blessed and may peace be yours and healing be your Uncles gifts.
I always enjoy your posts and photography. The cookies in the jar are beautiful. The caramel cake just oozes lusciousness. But the photo of your Uncle reminds me of my Grandfather, stubborn with a heart deeper than you can imagine.
Favorite song? I have a sick sense of humor, but I love Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer and I Want A Boob Job For Christmas, then the whole Messiah CD and Amy Grant and Michael W Smiths Christmas CDs.
Be blessed.
Lucy said…
I hope your Uncle Sal gets on the mend very soon, and that your family stays strong.

My favourite song of the season would be All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey. It makes me feel so christmassy!!

Ooh I love pie and yours looks yummy - I love the festive glitter.

Anonymous said…
my momma would love this.
i love the holidays
and o come all ye faithful- josh groban
is great!

megan :)
Anonymous said…
Just found your blog and I love it. My favorite holiday song is anything from the Carpenter's Christmas Portrait, their holiday album, esp. Angels We Have Heard on High.
Anonymous said…
Sending prayers for your Uncle Sal... must be such a hard time for his loved ones. Stay strong! PS The pie is beautiful.
Anonymous said…
Oops. forgot my song - Happy Ho Ho Ho to You - Harry Connick, Jr.
Ashley said…
Many thoughts & prayers for Uncle Sal.

My favorite Christmas song is "I Want I Hippopotamus for Christmas". I looooove it!
Ashley said…
Many thoughts & prayers for Uncle Sal.

My favorite Christmas song is "I Want I Hippopotamus for Christmas". I looooove it!
NKP said…
I really appreciate a good cookbook endorsement too. The opinion of you and other great foodie bloggers means so much to me.
My favourite seasonal song is Fairytale of New York by the Pogues. It warms my Irish heart!
Wishing love and peace to you and your family in this difficult time,
Laura said…
I am sorry to hear about your uncle--I've been rather out of it and have not been checking my favorite blogs as much as usual.

I love the red/green sprinkles on your pie! I put them on everything this time of year--good to know I am not alone. ;) The pie looks delish.

Gosh favorite song.... in general I think Sleigh Ride, but Mahalia Jackson's rendition of Silent Night makes me want to cry since it reminds me of my grandma and I have a child of the 80's fondness for Do They Know It's Christmas?
Jan said…
I love your blog! Simply Delicious! :)

We went to a Christmas Program the other night... I heard a song I had never heard before and it is now my favorite Christmas song... "The Friendly Beasts" (an English Carol)
Anonymous said…
My favorite song is "let it snow" even if down here we have a super hot summery Christmas!! =))

Love your blog, my prayers for your uncle...
Hang in there Uncle Sal!! So many songs to choose from!! But I do love the jazzy way Luther sings "My Favorite Things" It puts me in a great mood!
Dee said…
So sorry about your Uncle Sal, we have had family members in the hospital too. So hard to think of the holidays with everyone not feeling well or being home. Prayers to you & your family. This pie looks delicious! I love the colored sugars you used on the top. Delightful.
Anonymous said…
My favorite song during the holidays is christmas shoes. It makes me tear up every single time.
Avanika (YIMT) said…
My favoutire Christmas song is 'my two front teeth', because I fell and broke them a few years ago, a week before Christmas.
Now that song always brings back fond memories.
Anonymous said…
What an amazing basket! It seems like I have a different *favourite* carol every year. It must have something to do with what is going on around me I guess. This year my favourite is *All I want for Christmas is you*.

It doesn't really refer to anyone in particular because I'll be with my boys at Christmas, but it just makes me feel good.
Anonymous said…
What an amazing basket! It seems like I have a different *favourite* carol every year. It must have something to do with what is going on around me I guess. This year my favourite is *All I want for Christmas is you*.

It doesn't really refer to anyone in particular because I'll be with my boys at Christmas, but it just makes me feel good.
Minonda said…
My favorite Christmas carol is The Holly and the Ivy. I love most of the traditional carols, but for some reason this one makes me feel especially Christmasy.
Anonymous said…
I really like Josh Groban's "O Holy Night", but I heard a song today by Alabama called "Thistlehair the Christmas Bear" that was really sweet.

Thanks for the giveaway!
Mary said…
We'll keep praying over here! Your pie looks really yummy too. And what a great giveaway!

My favorite song is Winter Wonderland. I like Silent Night too. And Away in a Manger.
Sarah said…
How fun! Hope I win...favorite Christmas song is "Oh Holy Night"...love that song!
Anonymous said…
My favorite song is an oldie but a goodie - Away in a Manger. I like all the renditions!
themoosehouse at gmail dot com
Brilynn said…
Although I loooove music, I don't looooove holiday music. I'm therefore giving you my current favourite album which is Only by the Night by Kings of Leon. I particularly like the song Use Somebody.
Anonymous said…
I love your blog and love the recipes that you create! Keep it up and keep your chin up through all of this.
Lionmb said…
Prayers to Uncle Sal and your family! Having suffered a family tragedy this past March when my son was in a horrific car accident, I know how emotionally draining those hospital days are. I believe God was holding Chris is the palm of his hand that day and thus he survived...so I'm praying your Uncle Sal is being guided in the same divine fashion.

My favorite holiday song is Dean Martin's "Baby It's Cold Outside"! I love the old fashioned sound and flavor of the song.

mary grace said…
oh yes PLEASE! :) how could i NOT want that amazing goodie bag?? :)

favorite holiday song? right now... it's josh groban's "i'll be home for christmas" or steven curtis chapman's "all i really want for christmas" cd. :)

praying for your uncle sal... i know we don't know each other... but please let me know if there's anything i can do for you or your family!
Anonymous said…
Ave Maria - it's my fave.
Anonymous said…
Mary did you know is my favorite, but I heard a new one at a Christmas program last night called I Believe that was so powerful.

mmmmmm Pie.
We will certainly continue to pray for your uncle and his continued improvement. As far as my favourite song for Christmas it is Christmas Shoes from Bob Carlisle...it makes me cry everytime.
Peabody said…
That is one gorgeous apple pie.

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